Do black people get lice

do black people get lice

do black people get lice

do black people get lice

do black people get lice As a recent Reuters has received much attention in the Web . He said : " Black men survive longer in prison than outside . Study " Gawkier picked up , made the Atlantic , Yahoo, and the Rio . I find the study author David Rosen , Ph.D. Epidemiology and post -doctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina do black people get lice.

 to see if it were really the case. Rosen their research on the health care system in prisons is centered. for this latest study, which do black people get lice coincides with the prison records of North Carolina against the death certificates of the State 1995-2005 , comparing the levels of white and black prisoners against their counterparts in men in the general population mortality.

The results of their do black people get lice sample (100 000 men aged 20-79 years) were surprising in how they differ by race . Although the overall mortality rate for black men in prison is half of black men in the general population , the white prisoners die a clip of about 12 % faster than their counterparts in do black people get lice the general population.

 This is essentially what the report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics United States found in 2007.Rosen was enough to answer questions about what he feels his study says health , prisons and shopping.Are you surprised by the do black people get lice attention of his study achieved ?
A: Yes, even if some of that attention has wandered .

 Some people have suggested that our results suggest that black men in particular , would be better off in jail , which is not only do black people get lice absurd and offensive meaning but misinformed. The lowest mortality rates in prison are not exclusive to black men . Studies were conducted in England, France and Russia, showing results similar mortality for a variety of populations , where the mortality rate is lower in prison than do black people get lice outside .

 In addition, our previous study in 2008 revealed that the rate of white men leaving prison mortality was twice that of white men in the general population, in the light of our recent findings , suggesting that mortality do black people get lice white prisoners is also less when they are in jail after returning to the community. Most people in prison are young men . In the community, young people are more at risk of death from accidents and traumatic injuries . While prison has its own risks , generally common hazards in the do black people get lice community seems to be reduced to a degree in prison. And this is true for all people, not just black men.

Q: OK , but the results of these data are rather crude . Obviously there is a racial difference.
A: Actually , we found that mortality rates among male inmates in black and white were similar in each age group . This is when the death do black people get lice rate among prisoners and men in the community by racial differences we see are compared and the differences reflect the fact that mortality among blacks in the general population is higher than for whites . These health disparities between races in the community do black people get lice have been around for a long time, and our results remind us that we still have much work to do to solve them. I think this is one of the most important of these results highlight problems .

 So what does this say about the white prisoners ? Why die at a faster pace than expected ?
R : The mortality rate among do black people get lice white men in prison are slightly higher than white men in the community. We do not know why , but these results may ultimately how sick prisoners were when they entered the prison, the prison environment , and access to health care in prison concern .

do black people get lice  What do you think this says about the system of health care in prisons?
A: There is something in the prison system that affects health. People examinations and dental care is , there is a greater intensity of care involved maybe they get outside. But without data on how sick prisoners when they are in prison do black people get lice , it is difficult to separate the effects of health care and just have access to the prison of the resource base . Of course, these two factors have an influence on the health of prisoners . It is also important to remember that 95% of prisoners are do black people get lice released in a year or two , so that the big story is what happens to released prisoners .

 We think of the prison population and the rest of the population as something different, but we are not . Each year, approximately 700,000 inmates are released from do black people get lice state prisons . His health has an impact on the health of their communities. And a large percentage of the prison population , you probably are not getting the care they need when they are in the community do black people get lice.

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