How to get rid of redness around eyes

Redness around eyes Your eyes are very expressive and tell a person a lot about you before you even open your mouth . The " windows of the soul " is a term often used to describe eyes that express and communicate and how people feel without any verbal communication. The size, shape and color of her eyes did not really matter because they are all beautiful, but making sure they are bright and healthy is very important redness around eyes.

Swelling under the eyes , dark circles and redness are some of the most common problems that people face when it comes redness around eyes
 to your eyes, then here are some tips to help you improve your appearance problems :

get enough sleep

With the busy lives that people lead today a good night's sleep is often low on their list of priorities and ,redness around eyes although it means they have a good professional and social life , which does not bode well for eyes. If you do not receive at least the recommended amount of sleep each night - at least six hours , but ideally redness around eyes should be about eight - then you are likely to wake up with puffy , dark eyes .

The way you sleep also has a redness around eyes surprising impact on how your eyes when you wake up. If you sleep with your head on an extra pillow to make it a little high, then you must help the liquid that accumulates around the eyes to drain down - avoiding accumulate overnight. Your sleeping position is also very important and sleeping on your back will greatly reduce the swelling of the eyes in relation to sleeping on your side redness around eyes or stomach .

Foods and liquids

Whatever you choose redness around eyes to eat and drink has an effect on the swelling of the skin the next day. Foods that are high in fat and salt, and simple carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, sweets and cakes, for example, will cause your body to retain water , which will cause you to become swollen and the skin redness around eyes to be swollen the next day.

Fish and lean meats like chicken , secondly , to prevent your body to cling to unnecessary water, which means that you will redness around eyes not be swollen in the morning and your skin will not be inflated.

Drink water throughout the day is also a great way to reduce water retention and swelling, because it can continuously redness around eyes clean the excess water and toxins begin to accumulate in the body . Green tea also has this effect and drinking after meals stimulate the flow of urine to remove extra fluids from the body.

Expeditious remedies morning

Wake up with puffy eyes,redness around eyes is not uncommon , but for most people the initial swelling decreases quite rapidly. For others, however, stick around for the day and leave people tired and untested air. No need to panic if you're one of those redness around eyes people who are unfortunate enough to suffer with swollen skin all day, because there are some very quick and easy remedies to help reduce swelling immediately :

Cold Cucumber: Cut a few thin slices of cucumber and apply them redness around eyes one at a time , eyes closed. After three minutes, repeat the process with new units . Fresh cucumber helps to soothe the skin and reduce swelling, with a high water content and contains forms of vitamin C. It is these properties that redness around eyes cucumbers help reduce swelling, irritation and water retention around the eyes. Using cucumber also leave your skin feeling fresh and odor.

Cold green black / tea bags : Put two tea bags of your choice in a cup of hot water and put the glass in the refrigerator overnight or wait for the water to cool redness around eyes . In the morning or cold water once - whichever you prefer - squeeze the tea bags so that they are always damp , but not soaked with tea and then apply to closed eyes for five minutes. Tea bags give the same effect as cucumber slices , as well as redness around eyes help reduce inflammation and improve circulation , therefore tightens the skin and makes your larger and more awake look.

Cold potato : As I did with the cucumber, cut several slices of apple , peeled raw potato and place them over your eyes redness around eyes for five minutes. The Pope has the same effects as a result cucumber and tea once you have removed the pieces, you 're good to go .

Scoop: If you have any of the above then redness around eyes put a spoon in the freezer overnight and in the morning the place under the eyes. Hold in place for 30 seconds in one eye, then do the same with the other , repeat this process three or four times in each eye and you will be amazed by the results.

eye cream

After washing your face in the morning , redness around eyes there is no harm in applying a cream or gel as part of your beauty routine. Most products are intended for sensitive eye area not only help reduce the swelling of the skin around the eyes, but also help reduce the signs of aging as well .

illusions Cosmetics

If you know what you do with makeup redness around eyes then you can really do wonders when it comes to conceal redness, dark circles and puffiness . Use makeup to help conceal the negative can also make your eyes look bigger and even change its shape .

Redness: Redness redness around eyes in or around your eyes make you look tired all day , even when you feel bright and cheerful means that this is the first thing you should try in the morning. You can choose CAE flickering anti -redness eye eyes in redness around eyes almost any drugstore or supermarket and you will leave your eyes in bright healthy, white .

Dark circles : Dark circles may be hereditary , redness around eyes but can also be caused by lack of sleep and stress. Even if they are caused by lack of sleep are likely to disappear on their own will to eliminate stress and get a couple of hours extra Kip , that make you look tired and your face so a good concealer is a must- -have redness around eyes makeup companion.

Are considered big eyes Big eyes of great beauty , but obviously does not come naturally to everyone , so that illusions makeup are particularly redness around eyes useful. When you try to make your eyes look more you will need black and white or brown eyeliner, light and shadow to medium shade with a shimmer shadow too. Use the lighter redness around eyes shade on the eyelid and brow bone.

 while filling in the redness around eyes crease of the darkest hue. After using the kind of dark eyeliner to line the upper lashes only , use the shimmering shadow on the inner corners of the eyes and then use white eyeliner on the lower lash line . This little trick redness around eyes will help you get the eyes of the murderer you 'Ave always wanted.

Luscious Lashes : eyelash curlers are a must -have if you are determined to make your bright and spacious look. Once you have curled lashes , giving them a double layer of mascara on your eyes widened even redness around eyes more , then you are ready to go.

Healthy Lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very important, not only for your overall health, but also by their appearance. Eat healthy and drink lots redness around eyes of water are obviously important , but exercise and get enough sleep. Refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol will also work wonders. Staying healthy will have a wonderful effect on your eyes, making her look more radiant sunny day redness around eyes.

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