Swollen under eyes

Swollen under eyes The whole story of what is happening inside the body of a person can be considered imminent in the face of one , good or bad . While dark circles under the eyes are just the usual boring anesthetic , without adverse health effects , there are rare cases where these dark circles happen to be a first sign that something is wrong with the system swollen under eyes.

If your bags under the eyes are not a random phenomenon in the typical case , then this may be a sign that you 're suffering from a serious illness.
Primordial dark circles and common medical causes swollen under eyes.

Primordial hyper pigmentation - is a genetic disease often caused by allergies or the assets of the family , usually experience with Mediterranean ancestry whose skin around and under the eyes is much darker than the rest of your swollen under eyes body.
Hay fever and eczema - itchy eyes and dark under eyes is a common symptom caused by allergic reactions such as hay fever. Meanwhile, outside the circles under the eyes , eczema can also cause rashes and inflammation.

Anemia - anemia suffer from iron swollen under eyes deficiency , as well as other important nutrients , a stream of oxygen in the skin under your eyes is not enough rings made tween more obvious blue.
Liver disease - Dark circles under the eyes, red and swollen eyes and itchy skin , too visibility of blood vessels in the face are also common signs of a diseased liver .
Menstruation or pregnancy - Pregnancy and menstruation may reduce the rate of iron in the body that make the most pale skin . Pale skin swollen under eyes under the eyes becomes blue or purple , and the veins under the skin of this semi- transparent become more visible.

Aside from the mentioned medical problems swollen under eyes , dark circles under the eyes can also be the result of genes bruises and other factors are hereditary , as the thickness of the skin under the eyes . Places like these can be unpleasant but harmless and can be easily cured with effective dark circle treatment products The causes of eye bags and puffiness swollen under eyes.

Swelling of the eyes may be the result of many medical causes. Bags under the eyes can develop due to the accumulation swollen under eyes of excess fluid or tissue swelling under and around the eyes. Many common causes of bags under the eyes are:
Mononucleosis - During the early stages of swollen under eyes infection monkey , your eyes can become irritated and swollen.

Weep - In addition to your eyes feel tired and ill , salty tears "can also cause fluid retention around the eyes swollen under eyes, which can make them swollen and dark.
Changes disease - is a type of infection caused by a parasite that can cause the eyes to swell dramatically. Although it does not cause pain swollen under eyes , young people are more likely to suffer from primordial edema as a result of Changes disease .

Hypothyroidism - swollen under eyes This is a deficiency of thyroid hormone can cause pale skin dry , itching, and swelling and around the eyes. This occurs because the effect of water retention in the primordial tissue schoolteacher is caused by too contrition sulfate and chalcedonic acid .
If you think you might be suffering from a medical condition listed above causes dark circles under the eyes , it may be best to consult your doctor so that you know the proper treatment that you and your condition best swollen under eyes.

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