New idea ymca fit

Ymca fit Second anual competition machine lack of fitness Darien YMCA will be a course for eight weeks from Sunday, January 5 to Saturday, March 1 termination,Registration has begun and wellness center in Darien and is open to members and members of the country Y. Darien ymca fit.

The delivery of assistance in the form Magra machine is a custom not to lose weight and get fit system. The competition focuses ymca fit on the percentage of fat lost Bodily rather than judge winners based on the number of pounds lost .

This gives competitors a level playing field and equal chances of winning the competition.
Suzanne Monticello ,ymca fit  director of health and fitness in the Darien Y says that the Magra machine is " really applies to anyone, I Sin of age, sex or physical ability. "

Upon registration , participants will receive two training ymca fit sessions per week with a group of YMCA coach , with a weekly nutrition course taught by Suzanne Monticello , the plan of the United Nations Food and weekly exercise provided by email, optional weekly and weighed before and after pictures , not 10% off Embody Fitness Gourmet over the duration of the competition , FR 10% discount on all packages ymca fit purchased personal training January 5 to 11 January a life . Longer. Forte. T -shirt and a chance to win one of three incredible prices.

Eligible to win over $ 3000 in prizes competitors. Location son last year's winner was Peter Seiko primer ymca fit Bodily Seiko lost 14.2 % fat , 18.9 pounds and 17.6 inches. Seiko describe how he and his wife were shocked by the Lean Machine, " Before we started the Magra machine had separate but equally dysfunctional routines . Judge Foot , ran, swam and lifted weights , it would have been sufficient , but poor feeding habits were ymca fit totally destroy my results and really SI I present my analysis of Bodily fat.

Both Lean With used have learned the shortcomings of our old habits and routines, and we get a much better results with much less work ymca fit Second place competitor lost 13.6 inches and 7.5% Bodily fat. Surprisingly, No Sin But she lost balance.

This is the reason Monticello stresses that " The country level is the alpha and the omega . This is what I want to teach people ymca fit Third place winner was not 18 year old boy , what is the point again demonstrates Monticello What is the appropriate competition for any age , gender and physical ability.$ 400 for members Lean machines, which has just $ 25 per training session, and all the extras , $ 500 for members No hand ymca fit.

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