How to get rid of the red veins in the eyes ?

Red veins in eyes Looking closely to your eyes in a mirror, you can see a network of thin red lines end , particularly concentrated in the corners and the top and bottom edges of the eyes . These narrow lines that the ribs are the smallest blood vessels in the body , called capillaries. If the capillaries are damaged , irritated or infected , they may become more prominent, causing your eyes feel uncomfortable and looks red veins in eyes.

Possible causes of red eyes , sore important hair include:
A foreign body in the eye . Check your look carefully in the mirror of dirt , dust , tabs, or another possible irritant red veins in eyes.

Allergies. Have you noticed the eyes are often inflamed around certain plants, animals or periods of the year? Do red veins in eyes you have other symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose or breathing problems ? You may have allergies! Contact your doctor or another health care provider to schedule an allergy test Dry eyes . Some people just have chronic dry eyes or low tear production by the glacial duct , tear production or poor quality . During the against .

 Eye drops can be used to relieve dry eyes .red veins in eyes In some severe cases , surgery is needed.
Pink eye (conjunctivitis). Conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye, is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane red veins in eyes that covers the white part of the eye . It is caused by a bacterial or viral infection or viral infection, and can be treated in mild cases with cold packs or heat packs . In more severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor.

Verities. Verities is an red veins in eyes inflammation of the Suva , which supplies blood to the retina . It is a rare disorder that usually occurs in young and old alike. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light and pain , which begins suddenly . Vision loss can occur from healing , so it is important to consult your doctor if you think you may have verities red veins in eyes.

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