The ideal Treatment of swollen eyelid

Swollen eyelid ,The treatment that would be used would depend on the cause and the severity of your  along with any other symptoms that might accompany it. One of the first things that you need to remember not to do is to rub or touch the . You should also avoid wearing any makeup on your eyelid or anywhere on your face, especially base and powders.The reason is that particles can fly through the air causing more irritation swollen eyelid .

If the cause of your swollen eyelids is due to allergies you can take an over-the-counter antihistamine and if they do not seem to help talk to your physician for a prescription for a stronger antihistamine. You can also use over-the-counter or prescription eye drops. If it is caused by an infection, your physician may prescribe an antibiotic. For cases of conjunctivitis, your physician will prescribe an antibiotic cream. It is also swollen eyelid advisable to discard any makeup that you have used a few days before your eyelid became swollen.

If you cannot get into see your physician swollen eyelid right away here are some home remedies that you can try to help relieve some of the swelling and pain.

You can apply hot or cold swollen eyelid compresses to your eyes. Make sure that the water is not so hot that it will cause a burn. Dip a cloth in the water, ring it out, and put it on your eyes. Leave it on for at least ten minutes. You can do this several times a day but each time you do, make sure that you are using a clean cloth.
You can dip a cloth, gauze pad, or cotton ball in cold milk and put it on your swollen eyelid Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes to give you some temporary relief.
Use fresh potato or cucumber slices to help decrease the swelling. The slices need to be very cold so when they get warm, replace them. You can do this several times a day.

To help decrease the swelling you can soak a tea bag in warm water, squeeze a little of the water out, and put it on your swollen eyelid. The tea contains tannic acid. After leaving it on for fifteen minutes you should notice some relief swollen eyelid.

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