Dark circles under eyes cause

Dark circles under eyes cause Why do I have bags , puffiness and dark circles around the eyes? What can I do about it ?
My colleague, Harvard Medical School Dr. Robert Shearling wrote about this a few years ago in the Harvard Health Letter newsletter . Here's some of what he said dark circles under eyes cause.

Gently pinch the skin under the eyes and bunting . dark circles under eyes cause
 You will feel it is a bit more flexible and thinner than the skin elsewhere .dark circles under eyes cause It is also more flexible and thinner than it was . As we age, some of the fat under the skin of the face disappears. Fat under the skin under the eyes that we are born with is like the wind fills a sail. Ending the fat, the skin under the eyes dark circles under eyes cause
 becomes dark circles under eyes cause
 like a sail without wind to fill it. In addition, the gravity sitting or standing (which is true for most of the day and night ) tends to pull the rest of the fat in the cheeks .

A finer and softer skin also allows fluid to collect , causing a puffy appearance. This was a smooth , pink when there was the fat under Theodor circles under eyes cause
 skin now becomes a pale and swollen surface. Dark circles under the eyes are caused by blood pooling in the veins under the skin. When there was more fat under the skin, covered in blood veins below .

You've probably noticed the puffiness and dark circles when you get up in the morning. This is because when you are lying dark circles under eyes cause down , gravity is not pulling tissue fluid and blood in the veins on the cheeks under the eyes.

There are a few folk and spa how to get rid of bags , dark circles and wisdom, bags wet and cold tea, wet cotton balls in rose water and, of course, cucumber slices emblematic . Many of my patients find that creams and ointments under dark circles under eyes cause
 the eyes to help reduce swelling in the morning.

Finally , there is always cosmetic surgery if these treatments do not allow enough - and if you have the means to pay for it.
In some cases , there may be an underlying cause may be treated . Nasal congestion is an example, because it causes dark circles under eyes cause the veins around the eyes to dilate. Treat the cause of the congestion (allergy, perhaps) can remove dark circles.

If your eyes have become significantly swollen and swelling persists, consult a doctor. Puffy eyes can be a dark circles under eyes cause
 sign that you are retaining fluid , which can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Also talk to your doctor if your eyes are swollen after starting a new medication or facial anesthetics , or eating a new food. You can have an allergic reaction dark circles under eyes cause .

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