Get rid of redness under the eyes

Redness under eyes My eyes itch terribly, but are red and crying constantly ... Doc , what happens ?

You are not alone . In 2010, over 40 million bottles of eye drops for allergy was not prescribed. This year alone , it is estimated redness under eyes that more than 10 million prescriptions for allergic conjunctivitis are written. With winter last year in central Ohio to be so sweet and followed by a warm spring and summer, everyone is itching, even those who have never experienced symptoms previously redness under eyes .

What are the causes of allergic conjunctivitis ?
Before answering this, a quick overview is in order. redness under eyes The front of the eye has multiple layers of fabric, some can see and some you can not . When you look in a mirror and see the white of the eye is called the sclera. Located just above it is a transparent tissue that is difficult to see without a microscope . It is called redness under eyes the conjunctiva.

Okay, so why my conjunctiva to become red and irritated spring after spring?
In spring, plants, trees , redness under eyes and flower buds shedding pollen in the air. These pollens end up in the lungs , nose and eyes. When making contact with the pollen of the conjunctiva, becomes an allergen, starting achain reaction of the immune system called type I hypersensitivity reaction. Sensitivity is "hyper" because the immune system "to" reacts to it , thinking it was harmful, when in fact it's really just a point in the eye. When this happens , the eyes become red eyes, itchy redness under eyes and watery .

So what can we do? Fortunately, there are many options
Often , the most effective are redness under eyes prescription eye drops recommended by your doctor.
There are also more drops for allergy eyes OTC say generally less effective and sometimes not at all effective .
If it is a case of Benin allergic conjunctivitis a cold compress on the eyes can also be effective .
If you have other symptoms of allergies  redness under eyes  can also benefit from allergy pills or nasal sprays your doctor.
Please remember, if you have a red eye be sure to consult your doctor to rule out more serious causes such as infections .

With the help of your doctor , you can manage your allergy symptoms easily, if you're tired of red itchy eyes, make an appointment at Student Health Service today. Talk to our staff an appointment by calling 292-4321 , and can be booked with our professional Optometry or a primary care provider redness under eyes .

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