Learn front crawl technique

Front crawl technique pool before the body has many health benefits that many people may not like , we should not lie flat on the surface of the water. Remaining flat , I mean that I want to see if someone was lying on a pool of surfboard in the sea - fixed body , the arms move independently of the analysis of the Front crawl technique front  of the body .

Roll the body begins with the entry and scope of the arm. As the arm extends and reaches the front , you should roll the same Front crawl technique before shoulder front side . If you are not breathing with this particular race , then you must keep your head still and down with the view slightly ahead , allowing the upper body and shoulders rotate around the head . Repeat for each side each time the Front crawl techniquel stroke is made.

As the shoulder and the arm extends forward the upper body rolls to the side allowing the extension of the arm to go further.Front crawl technique It is ok before technical analysis for the hips to rotate in conjunction with the shoulders. The opposite shoulder leave the water as the arm of the side lot and also the beginning of the recovery phase of water recovery .

In the previous section , we discussed the recovery phase on the water, and I encourage you to use a high elbow keeping hands and Front crawl technique close to the water. This phase of efficient recovery is an impossible task if you do not drive the body.

Therefore one of the advantages of the roll body is the support it offers to the establishment of a Front crawl technique before crawling efficient recovery phase .
Other advantages associated with the roll body in Crawl are:

Greater distance per stroke - By extending the arm effectively reach more than it would normally go, you start Front crawl technique and finishing each pull greater distances apart . Therefore creating more tension and therefore go further with each stroke .

Reduce drag in the water - simple physics suggests that if you move in the water near the position of the Front crawl technique "side" when you apply force to the lower surface area against water and be moving through it easier and faster. Keep body and shoulders square to the water in Crawl will create more drag and make you slow Front crawl technique and work harder .

Breathe better - the configuration of the roll is breathing . It is almost impossible for your mouth before Front crawl technique to remove water using the correct head position if you are unable to roll the body enough . Therefore, make effective security and you set up an excellent position to breathe with little required from head to turn this effort should be a soft roll on each side. Avoid too technical analysis before running the correction.

Before you drive on the opposite side Front crawl technique will slow you down . I often see and hear people say exactly what I just mentioned above, but never describe what constitutes a roll call. Focus on what you want to achieve by rolling the body, and if rolling away, you do not reap more of these awards, it is likely that you have more bearing. Here to Front crawl technique .

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