Find my droid app

Find my droid app Google's answer to the role of "find my phone " Apple is the administrator of Android devices. I love being able to call my phone away to find him curled up in the couch cushions . ADM is great , a bargain for Android users who are struggling to find their devices. ago the site of SMA and Google recently launched an find my droid app .

I dutifully installed the application on all my Android devices, and I loved being able to manage my devices to the nearest find my droid app unit. But my experience this morning when I woke up and I found my Nexus 7 was cleaned. It changed everything. Now , any incarnation of ADM on a device has disappeared.

This is what happened During Cyber ​​Monday Madness Moto X bought a phone. Moto X arrived on Wednesday , so I got rid of my  find my droid app DNA . Tot Droid 2 was adopted DNA to pick up my Droid and started opening random applications. Worse, he pressed the buttons.

Unfortunately, one of the applications to open was the Manager Android devices application. And one of the buttons was printed  was scanned.

When I took my Nexus 7 Feeder discovered reset. find my droid app Fortunately, there was a backup of my device to my Google account , so I can quickly restored my applications and settings . However, this mishap showed me a flaw in the application of SMA (and other similar applications such as Google find my droid app admin) .

In particular, these applications allow a password reset security or unauthorized user device . Of course, this is also true for other applications like Dropbox or car, but especially compared to discuss applications with access to the system.I do not know how to solve the problem of requiring a second password before opening the application.

Three security needs
This experience has highlighted three key security needs which everyone should be aware of.
First, I uninstalled Google Apps administration ADM and the application as a security measure . I did not want Tots cause a similar find my droid app problem. If you are the only one who uses your Android phone or tablet , then this is probably not a big concern.

Second, you should never leave your device unprotected. This means creating a template, password or PIN on your lockscreen . In addition, you must ensure that your screen is off in a relatively short period of time. Use Menu> Settings> Display> Sleep to set the display time find my droid app .

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